SCIMABIO Interface to attend next “of Streams and Men” conference on Nov. 6/7 in Sion (Switzerland)
Organized by La Murithienne, Society for natural sciences of Valais, these two days of conference were focused on aquatic environments, their protection and management. The following topics were discussed :
– How did we use streams in the past ?
– What use do we make of them today ?
– How to combine these uses with environmental protection ?
– How to revitalize our streams ?
– What challenges await us ?
SCIMABIO Interface intervened on two occasions :
November 6th : Why and how to evaluate the efficiency of fish stocking ? A look back on 20 years of trout population conservation in Haute-Savoie (A. Richard and A. Caudron)
November 7th : Methods and evaluation techniques on the efficiency of revitalization work (A. Caudron)